04 March 2012

03Mar2012- Death Cab For Cutie@ Neo Studio, Taipei

   原本在我回台前門票已售鑿的Death Cab For Cutie(以下簡稱DCFC)台北演出,托朋友之福,得以買二手票進場,在此先謝謝她。

   如今大概沒有人敢鐵齒有哪團不會來台灣開唱,就連專輯能攻上Billboard冠軍、堪稱美國最知名Alternative Rock樂團的DCFC宣佈來台時,樂迷也已經沒有太誇張的反應,但售票狀況仍明顯反映出此團在本地的受歡迎程度。今晚DCFC很夠意思,帶來廿三首歌曲的超長set朋友間一面倒的正面會後感想,證明DCFC絕非少數人口中那樣臨場表現欠佳。平心而論,第一次來到的場地Neo Studio在硬體設施與音場方面,也算台灣Livehouse中上。

   暖場團「森林」頗受好評,DCFC主唱Ben Gibbard還在推特稱讚他們。然而我覺得此團樂風混亂,加之舞台紅藍燈光極度刺眼,令我整場無法直視眾人口中台風很逗趣的鼓手先生,便不多提。

   DCFC大約表演兩小時,比正規演出時間稍長,這也難怪,由於DCFC有七張專輯,《Transatlanticism》、《Narrow Stairs》以及《Plans》等經典/知名專輯的曲數,又與本應是宣傳重點的新作《Codes and Keys》不相上下,至少都有四首歌,是以其歌單可說囊括歷年金曲。我得承認自己不是DCFC粉絲,只對《Plans》和這幾天惡補的《Codes and Keys》較為熟悉。〈Crooked Teeth〉與〈Soul Meets Body〉都是琅琅上口的討喜之作;〈Codes and Keys〉弦音繚繞,可惜沒用真正的弦樂團伴奏;鋼琴主導的〈What Sarah Said〉,低調中帶點憂傷;mainset末曲〈Marching Bands of Manhattan〉,則是燈光明滅中,鼓聲蕩氣迴腸到令你鼻酸的煽情時刻!大家都引領期待的原音吉他小品〈I Will Follow You into the Dark〉,我倒是沒什麼感覺。

   本以為會用來開場的新歌〈Home Is a Fire〉反而放在返場,挺喜歡它和〈St. Peter's Cathedral〉裡皆用上輕巧如電子舞曲的鼓聲。起頭純演奏很吊人胃口的〈Doors Unlocked and Open〉,和用上vocal取樣技巧、吉他riffs醒耳的〈You Are a Tourist〉,是我最喜歡的《Codes and Keys》曲目,聽到時的欣喜自然不在話下。『And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born/ Then, it's time to go』,這樣的情緒也許我還無法理解,然而聽Ben唱出時,總有心底被拉扯的感覺。

   個人高潮還有貝斯搶盡鋒頭的長篇之作〈I Will Possess Your Heart〉,不卑不亢的極微元素,重複樂音中的變化堆疊,十分引人入勝,是首很成功的搖滾敘事曲!私以為長篇曲目是DCFC強項呢。而《Transatlanticism》不啻是DCFC轉投主流廠牌懷抱前的成名專輯,不僅洋洋灑灑佔了六首名額,還以〈A Lack of Color〉擔起開場大任,〈Tiny Vessels〉和〈Transatlanticism〉做返場壓軸。與〈You Are a Tourist〉銜接一氣的〈The New Year〉,鼓聲大鳴大放,震的人心膽碎裂;Ben隨著鼓擊使勁刷弦,無數水花從頭髮、軀幹與手臂飛濺而出,有如人體噴水機。〈We Looked Like Giants〉則是Ben不務正業、與Jason McGerr互飆鼓技的重點高潮橋段,看工作人員在曲中將drum set組合完成,Ben打完鼓嘩啦啦地拍倒鼓具後,又趕忙收拾殘局,真是訓練有素。讓人不能不書的〈Transatlanticism〉,則是最完美的收尾大絕。我若事前知道這首歌,絕對當場崩潰、淚如雨下!!!『I need you so much closer......』一句話裡築出的情感,讓第一次聽到的我也胸臆澎湃,怔怔地失了魂。有人說DCFC自從加入Atlantic後,再也交不出如《Transatlanticism》的動人佳作,或許是有些道理的。

   團員部份,文質彬彬如書生的主唱Ben Gibbard近年纖瘦許多。他打趣自己不會說中文真可惜,不然大家就知道他有多風趣,果然他一句中文也沒秀,頂多在句中加入台北/台灣等地名,看起來是挺滿意台灣觀眾的熱烈反應。Chris Walla(吉他/鍵盤/合音)是我第一個記起長相的團員,自然分了不少注意力在他身上。他自己也有單飛專輯,沒有合音時,仍會很陶醉地跟著Ben的歌詞唱,可見他有多麼沉醉於演出。Nick Harmer(貝斯)和Jason McGerr(鼓)是典型的路人長相,在台上也完全不搶主唱風采,會後我還把某工作人員誤認為Jason真是汗顏。。。NickChris有幾首歌交換樂器彈奏,很好奇這是否跟當初寫曲的方式有關呢。很有趣的是,除了Nick以外,其餘團員皆以類似衣著現身,這團是有多喜歡格子襯衫阿?

   會後與朋友共要到三種不同顏色的《Codes and Keys》設計款琴撥,正面為專輯封面的井字號,背面分別是Nick(紫)、Chris(黃)或Ben(橘),Ben直接丟下來的琴撥,反而是普通的Jim Dunlop薄片。咦,難道彩色琴撥是作來送人的?


A Lack of Color Transatlanticism
I Will Possess Your Heart Narrow Stairs 
Crooked Teeth Plans
Why You'd Want to Live Here The Photo Album
Photobooth The Forbidden Love EP
Doors Unlocked and Open Codes and Keys 
Long Division Narrow Stairs 
Grapevine Fires Narrow Stairs 
Codes and Keys Codes and Keys 
What Sarah Said Plans
I Will Follow You into the Dark Plans
Title and Registration Transatlanticism
You Are a Tourist Codes and Keys 
The New Year Transatlanticism
Soul Meets Body Plans
A Movie Script Ending The Photo Album
Cath... Narrow Stairs 
We Looked Like Giants Transatlanticism
Marching Bands of Manhattan Plans
Home Is a Fire Codes and Keys 
Blacking Out The Friction The Photo Album  / St. Peter's Cathedral Codes and Keys 
Tiny Vessels Transatlanticism
Transatlanticism Transatlanticism
Ben Gibbard and Chris Walla

Nick, Jason and Ben.

Chris Walla


Anonymous said...

I seldom leave a response, however i did a few searching and wound up here "03Mar2012- Death Cab For Cutie@ Neo Studio, Taipei".
And I do have 2 questions for you if it's allright.
Is it just me or does it seem like a few of these comments come across like left by
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Sylvia said...

To kansas Anonymous
Thx for the comment. I don't really get your 1st q cuz you seem to be the only one leaving comment here? As to the 2nd one, yes I do use linkedin, Facebook and twitter etc., but this is the only place I'd post long and meaningful reviews and reports. So stay tune!