15 January 2009

[自high] A letter from Tahiti 80

圖片取自Tahiti 80 myspace
(Médéric 你嘛配合一下,照個照片也耍低調是怎樣?)

最近迷妹指數一直降不下來,為了釋放壓力,只得抽空寫了幾千字的信寄到Tahiti 80 的mysapce,落落長的信件內容就是所謂的"從如何喜歡上他們的音樂、到中間各張專輯發生的事情、到出國又回國的波折一一道來(詳情請看這篇,以及看完演出之後給每位團員的簡短訊息,沒想到Xavier 還真的回信了!!!(好吧,其實以他經營網站的作風推測,說不期待回信是不可能的~)


Hi Hsuan-fu,

you're definitely a prolific writer!

To be honest with you, the show in Taipei was wonderful. We were so happy to be in a country we had never dreamt of visiting an dwe played in front of this crowd of loving fans...it's not far from being my fav memory of the tour, because we didn't what to expect, I didn't think we had any "serious" fans there...so imagine our surprise.
as it's often the case, we got all our energy from the audience and we rocked!
I've seen some pics where I look so tired during the autograph session...

I'll forward your messages to the rest of the band, they'll be thrilled to be remembered and pictured like you did. it's cute acurate, I must say. thx for your kind words about sylvain, I sometimes have a few words for him on stage, but it gets too emotional, so most of the time I try not to think too much about it. it's kinda depressing.

Sylvain is a great guy, and he's starting a new life, and we're always in touch.

Regarding your appreciation of W4TS, I have to agree with you we recorded 20 songs for the session, and I sometimes wish I had included more of the bsides on the final album...I think the album would have been stronger. but that's how I felt at that time, a little less cheerful than for Puzzle.

last minute our new album will be out in the UK in april, and we should play a show in may in LOndon. we'll keep u posted.

thx for being a great fan,

take care & get well,

much love,



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